Communication as Art

Iris is autistic. And she gives communication courses… after learning to be a hairdresser in life, being married for 25 years, having a daughter, helping many drug addicts in their addiction or out of it, advising companies and schools, setting up the world’s best children’s retreat in Ängelsberg in Sweden, among other things with a “Garden of Epicurus”. She speaks to people out of the “atmosphere”, a world invisible to most of us, full of thoughts, images, currents, feelings, which surrounds us all and which she called the “real world” as a child, as opposed to the ordinary one we all know. She is also a best-selling author, and, perhaps the most important reason why her communication courses are so exciting: She decided as a 12-year-old girl to learn everything there is to learn about communication. And she has done it with autistic meticulousness for over 50 years, every day since.